Close, But No Cigar

One of my teachers in middle school used to say, “Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.” Yet, I’d also like to argue it might count in chapbook contests, too. I recently submitted a chapbook for the Jessie Bryce Niles and Comstock Review 35th Anniversary contest. My manuscript became a finalist, and I was notified that, while I didn’t get top honors, the judge had a difficult time deciding between my work and the winner. So, no, I didn’t earn the $1000 prize, but I did take home an honorable mention. And, the experience encourages me to keep going. Maybe at the beginning of the new year, this is the best thing we can have: hope.

When have you come close to an accomplishment?


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6 responses to “Close, But No Cigar

  1. Congratulations on your honorable mention! It counts for something. People liked your work so much they wanted to say it in print. ❤

  2. Dana- congrats on this well-deserved honor. And it just means that one day soon, some other publisher will get the honor of being the one to publish it!

  3. Judith K. Martin-Tafoya

    Thank you for sharing, Dana. I admire you snd your talents very much. Judy

    Sent from my iPhone


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